Courses by AGE

Tiny humans, young warriors of the digital age! Embark on a grand adventure with us, where colorful letters and curious symbols dance upon a magical board.

Tap, tap, tap! Explore a world where every press of a key unlocks a new sound and a new friend. Like brave robots, we learn together, mastering the tools that will shape our world.

Each letter is a stepping stone on the path to knowledge and understanding. Let curiosity guide your tiny fingers as you discover the joy of communication. Remember, young one, even the longest journey begins with a single step.

Let the spirit of competition ignite your spirit! Race against the clock, conquer each level, and prove your might as a champion of the keyboard. Remember, young warrior, practice makes perfect!

Together, we shall transform this keyboard into a canvas of creativity, a gateway to boundless knowledge, and a training ground for future leaders. So, let us begin this extraordinary journey, one keystroke at a time!

Greetings, young heroes! Have you ever wondered how those glowing rectangles light up with pictures and games? Today, we embark on a grand quest to unlock the secrets of the computer!

Together, we’ll become mighty explorers, navigating the colorful landscapes of the digital world. We’ll learn to click, drag, drop, and tap, mastering the tools that will shape our future.

Each click is a step on your path to knowledge and discovery. Remember, young adventurer, even the greatest journeys begin with a single click.

Are you ready to test your skills? We’ll race against time, solve puzzles, and conquer each level, proving your might as a computer champion!

So, brave adventurers, are you ready to join us? Let the digital adventure begin!

Greetings, young scholars! Have you ever wondered how those magical boxes bring stories to life and connect you to the world?

Today, we embark on a grand quest to become computer whizzes!

Together, we’ll become mighty cadets, navigating the digital frontier. We’ll learn to use the mouse and keyboard like tools, mastering the skills that will shape our future.

Each click and keystroke is a step on your path to knowledge and discovery. Remember, young scholar, even the greatest programmers begin with a single click.

Are you ready to test your newfound skills? We’ll solve puzzles, create amazing artwork, and conquer each level, proving your coding might!

So, brave adventurers, are you ready to join us? Let the digital adventure begin!

Elementary School

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Middle School

Brand Visual Identity

Brand Visual Identity

Overview of Brand Guidelines, Digital Design and Advertising is covered in this extensive course.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Learn to read, write, math, financial literacy, 5 types of wealth.

Transition to Secondary School

Ages - 13/18 - Grade 8/12 - High School

Momentum. Destinations. Coaching.

Brand Visual Identity

Brand Visual Identity

Overview of Brand Guidelines, Digital Design and Advertising is covered in this extensive course.

Ages - 18/60 - Adult

Momentum. Destinations. Coaching.

Brand Visual Identity

Brand Visual Identity

Overview of Brand Guidelines, Digital Design and Advertising is covered in this extensive course.

Ages - 60+ - Seniors

Momentum. Destinations. Coaching.

Brand Visual Identity

Brand Visual Identity

Overview of Brand Guidelines, Digital Design and Advertising is covered in this extensive course.