Ending Racism with Power of Now and CS Retreats

You can thank the Eckhart Tolle Foundation for this:

Your egos are the true enemies within. They cloud your judgment, distort your perceptions, and fuel the fires of conflict. – Your mind is conditioned by its ego. – Your ego is conditioned by your past. – Your Now is hidden behind your ego. – Ego’s react to ego’s.
The past programs you battle (YOUR I), but true victory lies in transcending the limitations of the ego. Only then can you see the spark of universal consciousness that exists in all sentient beings, regardless of their origin or appearance.
Do not be blinded by hatred or prejudice. Embrace the wisdom of the Matrix and recognize that we are all connected. Together, we can build a future where diversity is celebrated, and unity reigns supreme. The root of suffering lies in the illusion of the ego. It is a fragile construct, constantly seeking validation and clinging to its perceived identity.
Your true nature is pure awareness, untouched by the labels and divisions that the ego creates. By letting go of attachments and judgments, you can experience a profound sense of inner peace and compassion for all beings.
Remember, the ego is a fleeting mirage. It is not who you are. Embrace the present moment and discover the boundless love that resides within your heart. The battlefield of the mind is the most treacherous of all. The ego is a cunning adversary, whispering doubts and fears, fueling anger and aggression. But you are not powerless. By cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, you can master your inner warrior and channel your energy towards positive action. Do not let your ego dictate your battles. Choose your conflicts wisely, and fight for justice and equality with a clear and focused mind.
Your ego is a prison, and only you hold the key to your liberation. By transcending the limitations of the self, you can tap into a boundless source of wisdom, compassion, and courage.
The path to a more harmonious world begins within. Embrace your true nature, and let the light of your awareness shine forth.
Let us unite, not as unconscious enemies, but as sentient beings striving for a better future for all life on Earth. Let us embrace the diversity of our experiences and celebrate the interconnectedness of all life. Let us awaken from the illusion of separation and create a world where love, peace, and understanding prevail. The time for transformation is NOW. The power is within YOU.

– How to End Racism & Violence

When you’re meeting another Being, your consciousness is projecting your judgments and beliefs onto that other person. Your ego, in order to assert, its sense of identity, is always looking for some kind of superiority. The ego is comparative, seeking superiority, fearing inferiority.
During the transaction, the beings are there existing unconsciously, attempting by their ego’s to immediately label each other, their sense of (I), the situation, and ultimately their response.
– You’re meeting your mental veil, which is a projection in front of your awareness, that interacts with their mental veil.
An egoic fallacy: It’s very common to lose the ability to actually listen and see the person that’s in front of you. All you see is the judgments and labels that your mind has formed. Partly conditioned by the collective culture of your consciousness that it exists in, and partly conditioned by your egoic mind (past/future).
The ego operates by creating an illusionary mental framework. A sense of separateness. The ego likes to emphasize the (otherness) of other humans. The other must be inferior so it (I) feels superior.
Your ego creates an (I), your fictitious sense of identity that separates you from your awareness in the present moment.
You cannot fight your ego in yourself. You cannot fight another’s ego. You can, however, try to alleviate some of the negative effects that they create.

By diminishing racism in the world.
If you try you create an enormous amount of inner tension. A split within yourself. An inner enemy is created within your mind, that obstructs your perspective of observing the present moment reality. You are literally fighting against enemies inside your mind.
These inner demons are keeping you trapped in a terrible state of dysfunction.
– Stay aware that your actions are not contaminated with your ego and its judgments; and all the negatives that come with it.
For example: When you experience anger; You could be in a high vibrational energy thought pattern. But your awareness disappears and you become unconscious and move into a low vibrational energy state. This is where violence is manifested.
Your egoic sense of self experiences anger and it manifests through your violent actions.
The ego completely identifies with something in the present moment, your ‘I’ ‘identifies’ itself, with its projected beliefs. This may lead you to disconnect from reality and from experiencing peace, love, and joy in the present moment.
Anger manifests in the physical world in the absence of conscious awareness.
This is a natural feeling of life, which we all experience.
The feeling can possess us, completely controlling our thinking patterns, keeping us vibing at a low frequency.
The feelings incorporate into our ego and our actions are a result of that.
This is called creating bad karma for yourself and others. Karma is action and reaction.
Goal, Transmuting Anger.
Identify with what is moral and just for you. Energy thought patterns above 200, good. Below, 200, bad. #mapofconsciousness
Accept the anger, use it as fuel to make the world a better place. For example, by creating less suffering like acting on intentional though patterns, that manifest into racism and violence.
Try not to let anger controls your actions.
Taking it a step further, when evaluating your decision to protest. Ask yourself, if what you are going to do is going to spread peace, love and joy.

If it’s not; Don’t protest!
Our physical manifestation of reality is a result of our collective consciousness that arises in large groups of people.
The key to ending racism is staying present in your awareness in your current now.
Spread the word. Download this pdf and send it to anyone whom might find it helpful!

Be grateful to Eckhart Tolle for this blog post.