How and why do we protect our data?

Young children, seniors, and generally everyone in between is constantly producing data when they interact with their electronics. When we interact with technology in  today’s digital world, we must learn to sit in-front of a key-board and mouse and develop our traditional computer skills. This is important because it is the method via which computers were first created, for programming.

Our digital fingerprint can vary largely depending on what we use our technology for. At a basic level our virtual identity is created by the accounts (with companies) we create and use when we interact in the digital world.  These can become compromised in various ways by bad actors. These accounts can be of such high value, that we must properly keep them secure to the best of our ability.

An average person can build up hundreds of accounts throughout their life, holding a vast area of information.

The technology revolution has accelerated at such a rapid pace that it is very difficult, at any age, to know how basic computers operate. It is common for individuals to lack important cyber security best practice skills because they may not value, or have the time to prepare themselves to protect their cyber identity.

Our digital fingerprint and cyber identity is likely spread around the world stored in data centers. Our personal information exists, “in the cloud.” 

Some accounts of lesser value may not need the same protection as higher value ones. 

Someone’s first accounts created if they are a student, maybe with their school. Learning how to use and maintain the accounts we use online will be a life skill everyone will use in the future.

It is likely someone already has banking, work, and personal accounts. An individual will accumulate more as they take control of their digital life.

Traditionally our important accounts were protected by passwords. There is numerous mistakes individuals can make when it comes to password management. This course requires you to build and maintain a protected word document that acts as your virtual security library.

The best practices in cyber security will change over time. Therefore it is imperative we constantly stay vigilant when we are interacting with our technology, keep our applications updated, and stay aware of the potential threats that exist.